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Creative Metalworks
School of Design

We are in the process of moving and unfortunately are not offering any classes or workshops at this time. Please feel free to submit your interest and contact info on form below and we will contact you as soon as our school resumes with course schedules. Thank you!
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Creative Metalworks Classroom
Please sign in for further information regarding course offerings and workshops.

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Items marked with * are required
* Name:
City, State:
Zip Code:
* Phone:
* Email:
Which classes are you interested in? Check all that apply.
Jewelry Fabrication
Advanced Fabrication
Studio Bench Session
Casting Two Day Workshop: Michael Schwartz
Hand Engraving One Day Workshop: Clancy Sweitzer
Stone Setting Two Day Workshop: Michael Schwartz
Mokume Gane Two Day Workshop: Wayne Werner
Enameling Two Day Workshop: Erica Druin
Anticlastic Raising Three Day Workshop: Michael Good
What time would you prefer classes? Check all that apply.
Sat. 10AM-1PM
Sat. 2-5PM
Mon. 6:00-9:00PM
Tues. 6:00-9:00PM
Wed. 6:00-9:00PM
Thurs. 6:00-9:00PM
Tues. 11-2PM (NEW TIME!)
Thurs. 11-2PM (NEW TIME!)
Two Day Sat/Sun Workshop
* Where did you hear about our School?
Online search engine
Social media
Advertising flyer
Other (please specify)
Feedback, Questions and Suggestions


View Student Work by Semester
Featured Student Works
Images of Classes in Progress
Student Work: Fall '06
Student Work: Fall 06' / Winter '07
Student Work Continued: Fall 06' / Winter '07
Student Work: Spring '07
Student Work: Summer '07
Student Work: Fall '07
Student Work: Fall '07
Student Work: Winter 07/08
Student Work: Spring '08
Student Work: Summer '08
Student Work: Fall '08
Student Work: Winter '08-'09
Student Work: Winter '09 Continued
Student Work: Spring '09
Student Work: Summer '09
Student Work: Summer '09 Continued
Student Work: Fall '09
Student Work: Winter '09/10
Student Work: Spring '10
Student Work: Summer '10
Student Work: Fall '10
Student Work: Winter '11
Student Work: Spring '11
Student Work Continued: Spring '11
Student Work Final: Spring '11
Student Work: Summer '11
Student Work: Fall '11
Student Work: Winter/Spring '12
Student Work: Summer Youth Program 07
Students: As you view images, Please email us and help identify your work
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Past Semester's
Course Descriptions

Jewelry Fabrication
Students will learn basic design and fabrication techniques including the use of different torches and their applications, sawing, filing and flex shaft techniques. Stone setting techniques will be covered along with more advanced techniques such as: forged wire fabrication, hydraulic forming, multiple surface embellishment techniques, and as appropriate, advanced setting techniques. Students will create 2-3 pieces utilizing formed, forged and fabricated metals.
Cost: $485.00 Returning students $465
Pre-Registration Discount ends

Next Courses Offered:

Tuesday Afternoons:
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Instructor: Michael Schwartz

Tuesday Evenings:
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Instructor: Paul Brackna
See his work at:
& Michael Schwartz

Saturday Mornings:
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Instructor: Michael Schwartz

Advanced Fabrication
This course is designed for students with considerable design experience and fabrication skills. Students will focus on projects involving advanced stone setting techniques with hands on demonstrations throughout the course. Tube, bezel, beaded and flush setting will be demonstrated and practiced as well as creative combinations of techniques such as the use of forged textures, patinas and keum-boo, an ancient Korean applique technique.
Cost: $485.00 Returning students $465
Pre-Registration Discount ends

Thursday Afternoon:
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Instructor: Michael Schwartz

Thursday Evenings:
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Instructor: Michael Schwartz

Casting I
Students will learn basic design, layout and wax work for lost wax centrifugal casting. Students will cast and complete three or more of their own sculpted pieces, which may include stones. There will be demonstrations on gravity, vacuum and cuttlefish bone casting. Alternative low cost methods of casting will be demonstrated as well as an introduction to more advanced systems. Both vulcanized and cold molding techniques will be introduced.
Cost: $485.00 Returning students $465
Pre-Registration Discount ends

Next Courses Offered:

Wednesday Evening:
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Instructor: Michael Schwartz

Saturday Afternoon:
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Instructor: Michael Schwartz

Students will design and fuse enamel to fine silver or copper. Typically, a piece is fired as few as 6 or as many as 70 times, each firing with a new application of enamel.
Studio Bench Sessions
CM School of Design is now offering Studio Bench Sessions for students who have taken a minimum of 2 courses with us. These sessions are offered to our current and past students as additional bench time. These sessions are for independent study and there is no instruction. Students must bring all material needed; there will be no material for sale during these sessions. It is mandatory that students are checked out on specific tools and authorized to attend by Michael.

Cost: $300 for all eight sessions; or $170.00 for four sessions and $45.00 per additional 3 hour session.
Pre-Registration Discount ends
Registration and fees are required prior to start date.
As with regular classes; a minimum of 6 students is required for class to carry.

Interim Bench Sessions: between Winter, Spring and Fall are FREE to those who pre-register for all 8 Open Bench Sessions for the upcoming semester.

Spring Studio Bench Sessions Offered:
Monday Evenings:
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Hand Engraving Two Day Workshop
Instructor Clancy Sweitzer has 30 years of experience in hand engraving from his early years at Woodward and Lothrop and three years at the Bureau of Engraving, specializing in money plates, stamps and bank notes. He was head engraver at Galt & Bros. Jewelers and the chief engraver at Abercrombie & Co.
In this Two-day intensive workshop students will learn proper techniques in tool selection, sharpening, image transfers and specific engraving techniques with square, round and flat tools for cutting patterns and forming letters.
Workshop is limited to 10 students.
Cost: $285 (tool list will be provided)
Next Workshop Scheduled:
Saturday & Sunday (8/13 - 8/14)
10 AM - 4 PM

Phone:(301) 933-1500

Refund Policy